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If you’re looking for a strong, beautiful, and durable fence for your home, consider a custom iron fence. A custom-crafted ornamental metal fence will look great around a garden, a pool, or your entire home—so long as it’s installed by a professional fencing company. To help get your fencing project underway, here are the steps you should take when designing your new iron fence with a custom iron fence contractor in San Jose.

metal fencing and house

Select the Right Fence Design

There are dozens of different wrought iron fence designs to choose from as the foundation of your new fence. To select the right design, consider the purpose that the fence will serve. Privacy and security fences will obviously have a different design than a pool fence or ornamental garden fence. Your fence contractor can show you the most appropriate designs given your fencing needs.

Select a Fence Height

Once you pick out the fence design, you will need to select the height of the fence and an elevation style. The height will largely depend on where the fence is going and the purpose it will serve. For example, while a 3′ iron fence is appropriate for a garden, it is not adequate as a pool fence.

Select Post and Picket Finials

Once the design and height are confirmed, it’s time to start customizing your wrought iron fence. Picket finials refer to the top of the iron pickets. Balltip, flora, and trident finials are not only beautiful but practical for privacy and security fences. Pyramid and ball finials are popular for posts, but pineapple and bullet tops are more visually interesting.

Select a Color Finish

The last thing to discuss with your San Jose fencing contractor is the color finish for your wrought iron fence. High gloss black is the standard finish, though custom colors are available and in virtually any shade and hue you can imagine.