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chain link fence

Barb Wire and Razor Ribbon

Add extra security and prevent unwanted trespassing by adding barb wire or razor ribbon to your security fence.

  • Dissuades human passage.
  • Protects boundaries and safety perimeters.
  • Difficult to cut, bend, or break.
windscreen on a fence


Windscreen can be added to temporary fence panels, permanent chain link fencing, and iron fencing to provide additional privacy. This material comes in a standard green to blend with surrounding vegetation, but can be ordered in a variety of colors.

Expanded Metal

Expanded metal can be used to provide areas with extra privacy and protection. It is a metal sheet with diamond-shaped openings that can be added to iron and chain link fences and gates. Expanded Metal offers added security while allowing free passage of light, liquid, and air.

Contact A-1 Fence Inc Today