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Homeowner’s Guide to Choosing the Right Fence

The right fence can do wonders for your home. In addition to providing a beautiful barrier around your property, a new fence can also provide privacy and protection for you and your family. But with so many fencing materials to choose from, it can be daunting picking out the right one for your home. Your San Jose fencing company can help you choose the right fence based on your budget, needs, and preferences. You can also follow these tips to help choose the perfect fence.

chain fencing

Set a Budget

Before you start looking at design books and calling fencing contractors in San Jose, set a budget for your new fence. Having a budget beforehand will help you narrow down your choices. It will also prevent you from falling in love with a particular fence style or material that is out of your price range.

Research Fence Materials

Once you have a budget to work with, start researching the different type of fence materials. In addition to price, consider the maintenance requirements of each material. For instance, chain link fences are virtually maintenance free, whereas wood and wrought iron require more upkeep.

Consider Privacy

If privacy and protection are important for your new fence, consider which fence materials and designs offer the best privacy If you want a more open fence but still require some privacy, shrubs or climbing vines can be planted around your fence.

Ask for Help

Even with the entire Internet at your fingertips, it can be hard to determine which type of fence meets your specific needs. Luckily, you don’t have to go it alone. Your fencing contractor can help you go through the options and find the fence that’s right for you, whether it’s chain link or wrought iron.