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If you’re shopping for a fence, you may be drawn to the look of iron. Whether you choose a wrought iron or ornamental iron fence, you’ll have a strong, attractive fence that provides security and a safe place for kids and pets. It can be confusing to choose a fence, though, if you don’t understand the difference between wrought iron and ornamental iron.

The primary difference between the two types of fencing is the material from which they’re made. Even though they’re both called “iron,” their actual composition is different. Wrought iron fences are made from iron, a naturally occurring material, often with iron silicate added. It’s rare for wrought iron to be made of 100% raw iron, but ornamental iron fences aren’t actually made of iron at all. They’re made from steel, a manmade material made from iron and carbon. Steel is more affordable than iron and easier to manipulate.

There are other differences, as well. Wrought iron fences are typically custom-made, while ornamental iron fences are mass-produced. This means that ornamental iron fences have a more uniform look, while wrought iron fences have the hammer marks and other inconsistencies that indicate craftsmanship. Sometimes, fences are made from steel, but incorporate customized elements like frame caps, fence post caps, scrolls, and collars made of wrought iron.

The benefits of wrought iron include the custom, unique designs into which it’s formed, and its reliability. Iron is a premium, high-quality material, heavy and solid, with a long life-span. On the other hand, wrought iron is often hard to find, and it takes a long time to create. It’s also typically expensive, because of the skill and labor involved in creating a wrought iron fence. Wrought iron is beautiful, though, especially for high-end architectural applications, and is preferred for restoring Victorian properties.

Ornamental iron fences have many benefits too, including affordability, availability, and ease of production. It’s cheaper to ship and transport than wrought iron and can be modified or customized after purchase. Ornamental iron is easy to repair, match, or extend, and is often warrantied by the manufacturer for 10-25 years. The drawback of ornamental iron is that it’s more easily damaged than wrought iron and doesn’t last as long. It’s important to always ask about gauge thickness, and double-check materials for quality assurance. Ornamental iron is good for large scale jobs and great for securing a property. It’s also good if you need to install fencing on uneven or sloped land.

If you’re shopping for wrought iron or ornamental iron fencing, trust A-1 Fence to meet your needs. We’re a locally owned and operated company with more than 40 years of experience, committed to providing fast and efficient work with a personalized feel. We’re fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and are proud of our reputation for quality work. For more information or a free estimate, contact us through our website or call 832-962-4765.