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Backyard Pool Installation

Pool fences are an important backyard safety feature for families with kids. If you’re preparing for backyard pool installation and want to know about your options for pool fencing, then consider the many benefits of ornamental iron pool fences.

Creating an enclosure around your pool with an ornamental iron fence offers you function in the form of better safety for kids and pets, and at the same time can provide your landscape design with a beautiful, decorative feature. For these reasons, this type of fence can both help prevent drownings in your pool and add aesthetic appeal to your outdoor areas. In addition to these 2 advantages, iron fencing is versatile and durable, and it can be a good investment for your property.

A-1 Fence Inc. specializes in exquisite, ornamental iron fencing in San Jose, and we have been producing custom-designed, ornamental metal products for more than 40 years. For information about our pool fence installation services, give us a call today at 832-962-4765.