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Home Insurance

Have high winds or fallen trees left your fence in disrepair? If so, then you’re probably wondering whether your homeowner’s insurance will cover this type of damage. The good news is that many people have a homeowner’s insurance policy that offers coverage for other structures on their property besides the house, such as sheds and fencing.

What’s important to note is that if fence damage is covered by your homeowner’s insurance, then the types of damage that are covered are likely the same as those for your house. Some of the perils that are typically covered by homeowner’s insurance include lightning strikes, fire, smoke, hail, windstorms, vandalism, falling objects, and damage from a vehicle.

The experienced and efficient fencing experts at A-1 Fence Inc. can maintain, repair, or replace your damaged wrought iron or chain link fencing in San Jose, as well as offer assistance with insurance-related work. For more information or to request a free estimate, please give us a call at 832-962-4765.