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Dogs aren’t just pets—they’re part of the family. If you want to give your dogs room to run, start by fencing in your property with a dog-proof fence. Fencing in your yard for your dogs allows them to participate in outdoor family fun or simply go outside and “use the restroom” without having to be tethered to chains or constantly monitored. A dog-proof fence will also protect your pets from strays and wild animals. To make sure that your new fence is right for your pooch, here are some tips for creating a dog-proof fence around your property.

dog behind chain fence

Think About the Size of Your Dog

A crucial factor to consider when choosing a dog-proof fence is the size of your pets and how high they can jump. Fence size doesn’t necessarily correlate with dog size, as many small breeds can jump higher than large breeds. You will also need to make sure that the spacing between the planks and underneath the fence isn’t big enough for your dogs to walk through. Your San Jose fence contractor can recommend fencing based on the type of dogs you have.

Choose the Right Material

There are a lot of fencing materials to choose from, but not all of them are ideal for dog fencing. For starters, a “dog-proof” fence won’t do much good if your dog can eat through it. Likewise, certain materials might be hard to chew through but will likely injure your dogs if they try to dig under them. Fencing made from thick, durable woods or heavy-duty iron may be a better option than plastic or chain link fences for dogs.

Remove Climbing Obstacles

Once your San Jose fencing contractors finishes construction of your new dog-proof fence, remove any obstacles that can assist your pets in climbing to freedom. Move planter boxes, chairs, tables, storage bins, and anything else that will give your dogs a boost and help them jump over your new fence.