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A properly designed and constructed fence can revitalize your home and property, but a poorly put together fence can quickly become an eyesore and cause you more trouble than it is worth. If you want to be sure that your new fence stands the test of time and brings something positive to the community, it is important that you work with a quality fencing company. Continue reading to learn all about A-1 Fence serving San Jose and the Bay area.

A-1 Fence Inc. has been in business for 20 decades, but our experience goes back much further. In this time we have continued to improve upon our abilities and learn exactly what it takes to be a high quality fencing company. We are happy to help you with your fence designs, ensure that your fence is installed in optimal fashion, and even return to help you maintain your new fence. Our team offers free estimates so that you can get an idea of what your dream fence might cost. We are also bonded, licensed, and insured and take pride in the quality of our work. We are locally owned and operated and care about our community, which is why we always treat our customers right.

A-1 fence truck