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A-I Fence

When you are seeking a top-rated fence contractor, look no further than A-1 Fence Inc. With more than four decades of experience in the fence industry, we are uniquely suited to provide you with all of your fence installation and repair needs. We pride ourselves in making sure that all of our customers are totally satisfied with their new fences. As you work with us to create your new fence, we will assist you with every step, from design to execution. Along with our renowned wrought iron fence designs, we also offer an extensive inventory of iron gates and other great fence materials.To learn more about how we can help you build the fence of your dreams, call us at 832-962-4765. Whether you are seeking a wrought iron fence or chain link fence, we can create the perfect fencing installation for your property. Our fencing company in Sam Jose looks forward to assisting you in the near future.