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chain fecning

Chain link fences are great additions to any yard because they are dependable and easily customized. Though chain link is strong and rust-resistant, your fence should undergo occasional maintenance. Here are a few strategies that will help you maintain your chain link fence for years to come.

Keep Damaging Materials Away

Though chain link fences are often galvanized to resist corrosion, rust can still form on susceptible areas. These areas are usually exposed to a lot of moisture and very little sun. Chain link fences should be sprayed with a high-powered hose to remove all damaging factors, such as spider webs, dirt, debris, and rust. When most of the dirt and debris have been removed, take a wire brush to scrub and wipe off any remaining debris.

Maintain Nearby Landscaping

If your chain link fence and landscaping are not properly maintained, then your fencing will suffer. You can plant vines and hedges near your chain link fence, but you must keep an eye on your chain link as well as your landscaping. If you allow dead leaves, excess moisture, and landscaping debris to collect around your fence, then you risk damage that could soon become irreparable.

Clean Chain Link Regularly

Whether you have vines or hedges nearby, your chain link should get a regular cleaning. Use a rag or sponge to apply a mild cleaning solution and water to give your fence a deeper clean. Rinse it off with a hose, and let it dry in full sunshine to reduce the risk of rust formation.

For help installing or maintaining your chain link fence near San Jose, call A-1 Fence, Inc. at 832-962-4765. We can also help you with any fence design services you need, and even install automatic gates. Visit our website or give us a call to get started.