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Do you need a chain link fence in San Jose? Installing a chain link fence requires a number of steps, but if it’s done correctly you will have a sturdy and reliable fence. Learn more about how your local fence company performs a fence installation service.

chain link fencing

Planning the Fence

The first step is deciding where to put the chain link fence on your property. You may want to use temporary spray paint or a long garden hose to trace the exact outline of the fence. You will also need to plan out the appropriate fence size.

Installing the Post

After the planning stage, your fence contractor will get to work, digging appropriately size holes that are about eight or ten feet apart from one another. He will fill the holes with concrete and then insert the fence posts into the cement while it is still wet. Your fence contractor will also be sure each corner post is at least three inches higher than the line posts.

Adding the Fittings and Top Rails

Once the concrete has hardened, your fence contractor will slide tension bands and rail end bands onto the corner posts so that the long and flat surface of the bands faces out. He will then put line-post tops on each post, starting at the corner post and tightening the rail end bands to the top rail on both sides of the fence.

Stretching the Tension Wire

Next the fence contractor will hook tension wire up to the bottom rail end band of one corner post. Then he will run the wire across the entire length of the fence and repeat both procedures for each side of the fence.

Hanging the Chain Link

After unrolling the chain link, your fence contractor will use a tension bar to stretch the chain link from one corner post to its opposite. He will repeat this process for both sides of the fence. Then, to make the chain link fence more secure, he will incorporate fence ties on the top rail and line posts.