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a man fixing fences

Is the fence that surrounds your property starting to fall apart? If so, it might be time for you to consider replacing it. Some fences can be repaired, but in most cases, it makes sense to replace a fence that is in bad shape. Fortunately, can have new fencing put up in a matter of just a few days when you work with an experienced fence company in San Jose. Here are some of the signs that will let you know it’s time for a new fence.

Your Fence Needs Repairs That Are Too Costly.

If you have a small section of fencing that needs to be repaired, it might be worth speaking to a fencing company about repairing it rather than replacing it. However, if your entire fence needs to be repaired, you could end up paying just as much to repair it as you would to replace it. Replacing your fence would give you brand-new fencing, and you wouldn’t have to worry about repairing or replacing it again for many years as long as you maintain it properly.

Your Fence No Longer Meets Your Needs.

Once upon a time, the wrought iron fence surrounding your home might have worked for you and your family. But if you need more privacy or you have concerns about the safety of your kids and pets, a different type of fence might work better for you. When your fence no longer provides you with the protection you need, you should consider putting up a new one right away.

Your Fence Doesn’t Fit the Look and Feel of Your Home.

Have you recently remodeled the outside of your home or put a new paint color on it? It might not work with your current fence designs. You should pick out a new fence that will complement your home better. A fence builder can help you design a fence that looks great with the new design of your home.

A-1 Fence Inc. can help you to replace your old fence with a new one today. Call us at 832-962-4765 to learn more about the fencing options that we can provide for you and why we are one of the premier fencing companies in San Jose.