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Wrought Iron Fence

Having a secure home is essential for the safety and wellbeing of your family. If you are seeking a simple and effective method for boosting your home’s security, without investing in a costly alarm system, consider building a wrought iron fence. To highlight the advantages of a new fence installation, here is a look at three easy ways that you can improve your home’s security.

Install New Locks

If it has been several years since you installed locks on your doors, now may be the time to consider a new lock installation. Modern locks are equipped with enhanced hardware that allows them to resist break-ins. To make sure that your new locks offer the best performance possible, make sure to purchase locks that offer high-grade security certification.

Prune Your Landscaping

Overgrown trees and bushes can provide the perfect spaces for criminals to hide. When your landscaping is extremely bushy or overgrown, your home may be singled out as an easy target for burglars. A simple landscaping project will allow you to cut back the mature bushes and trees around your yard, which can help to enhance your home’s safety.

Build a Fence

Without a sturdy and durable fence, criminals could easily walk right up to your front door. By building an iron fence around your property, you will dramatically enhance the overall security of your home. Iron fences are extremely durable, and they offer superior resistance against trespassing and other types of crime. An experienced fencing contractor can build a fence that is specifically designed to make your property more private and secure.

If you are thinking about building a new fence on your property, contact the team at A-1 Fence, Inc. to set up an initial fence design consultation. From chain link fencing to iron gates and more, we provide our customers with a variety of fencing solutions. To learn more about our fences in San Jose, give us a call at 832-962-4765.