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Fencing Company Install a Gate Across Your Driveway

Your perfect fence isn’t the same as anyone else’s perfect fence. Each home and yard is unique, and so are each family’s preferences. To ensure that you’ll be satisfied with your fencing for years to come, invest plenty of time into researching your choices. The professionals can come out to your property and discuss your goals for the outcome. Their advice will guide your decision-making process.


Privacy is a major concern for many homeowners living in suburban and urban areas. Either a wrought iron fence or a chain link fence can add privacy to your property. After it’s installed, plant shrubs and climbing plants along the fence. The greenery will enclose your yard in the beauty of nature.


If security is your primary concern, then you can have the fencing company install a gate across your driveway to completely enclose your property. Ornamental iron fences and gates are ideal for improving your family’s security. Consider choosing an iron fence that features spikes along the top to discourage climbers.


Some families are more interested in ease of access than security. Instead of a gate, consider using offset fence panels. Staggering individual panels can strategically conceal your home and yard, while still allowing easy access through the property.


Regardless of your primary motives for having fencing installed around your property, you’re undoubtedly also concerned with the home’s aesthetic appeal. Arguably, the most beautiful type of fencing is ornamental iron. You can choose from a wide range of ornamental fence designs to complement the style of your home.


Pet parents tend to prioritize the security and safety of their furry companions. Chain link fences are ideal for keeping dogs inside the yard, or within a specially designated dog run. Chain link is also a good choice for keeping backyard chickens safe from predators, especially if it extends below the ground.

No matter what your needs and preferences are, we can help you find the perfect fencing solution for your home in San Jose. A-1 Fence Inc. is locally owned and operated, with over 40 years of experience. Call 832-962-4765 today to request your free estimate.