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Due to its strength and classic design, wrought iron is a popular choice for ornamental fencing in San Jose. At A-1 Fence Inc., we use high-quality iron to create custom, long-lasting ornamental fences that improve the curb appeal of your property. If you are looking for ornamental fencing for your commercial or residential property, A-1 Fence Inc. is the company to call. Read this article to learn more about the advantages of ornamental fencing.

Ornamental fencing


Iron is one of the strongest fence materials available, which is why it is very popular as a security fence. We can construct an ornamental fence of formidable height if you want to secure your property from intruders.


Because it offers durability, beauty, and security, ornamental iron fencing often increases the value of the property on which it is installed. If properly maintained, iron fences hold up well over the years, making them an excellent investment.


Iron is a very durable material that stands up well to all types of weather. Fortunately, iron requires very little maintenance. It also happens to be very difficult to vandalize, making it ideal for public spaces and commercial properties.


Wrought iron ornamental fencing looks fantastic on many types of properties. We have installed them on office buildings, apartment complexes, residential communities, and homes. Iron ornamental fencing is also a popular choice for a swimming pool, patio, garden, driveway, dog park, or property division line. At A-1 Fence Inc., we offer many different ornamental designs to choose from, ranging from rustic to contemporary.


Ornamental fencing is often made in an open style. But if you want to increase the security of your property by enclosing it more completely, A-1 Fence Inc. can install inconspicuous mesh fencing behind the pickets. We can also install an iron gate with a heavy-duty lock, accessible with keys or a keypad. For added security, ask us to install a panic bar on the inside of the fence gate.