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Improve your Curb Appeal with a New Fence

If you’re considering a new fence, you’re probably thinking about security and safety. Maybe you want to keep your kids and pets safely in your yard, or keep intruders away, or protect your property from prying eyes. It may never have occurred to you that a fence could be an attractive asset, but in fact, you can greatly improve your curb appeal with a new fence.

A decorative fence can draw attention to your home. Consider stately iron fences, and the elegant look they add to a house. Even if your fence is simple wrought iron, you can paint or decorate it to be eye-catching and beautiful. Use your fence as a trellis for beautiful flowering fines, place lush hanging baskets at intervals along the fence, or hang decorative birdhouses from it, to allow nature to bring it extra appeal.

A new fence also shows buyers you’re taking care of your house. If you’re trying to sell your home, you want to put your best foot forward, and give the impression that your home is beautifully maintained. A fence around the yard shows that you care about the property.

A sturdy fence also gives buyers a feeling of security. They know that if they purchase your home, there’s a beautiful, secure fence to keep their belongings safe. If they have children or pets, they’ll be able to imagine them playing in the fenced-in yard, secure and protected from harm. If the fence affords privacy, that’s another selling point, because prospective buyers can picture themselves enjoying the yard away from the prying eyes of neighbors or passers-by.

If you already have a fence and you’re about to list your home for sale, walk the fence and inspect it for damage. Even as a fresh, new fence attracts the eye of prospective home buyers, a fence that’s poorly maintained or in a state of disrepair can be off-putting. Before you put your home on the market, complete any necessary maintenance or repair, or consider installing an entirely new fence.

Whether you need help maintaining or repairing the fence you already have or you need to purchase a new fence, you can trust A-1 Fence to get the job done right and stand behind our work. We’re a locally owned and operated company with more than 40 years of experience, committed to providing fast and efficient work with a personalized feel. We’re fully licensed, bonded, and insured, and are proud of our reputation for quality work. For more information or a free estimate, contact us through our website or call 832-962-4765.